Join Us for Worship!
- Welcome! In-person Sunday worship services begin at 10:00 a.m.
- Watch the Live Stream on our Facebook page on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. The recorded videos are also posted to our YouTube Channel.
Sunday Worship
Traditional worship services are held on Sunday morning at the Lancaster United Methodist Church beginning at 10:00 a.m. The worship experience includes scripture readings, congregational and special music, lay leadership, prayer and inspiring pastoral messages.
All people are invited and welcome to worship with us. Please call the church office with questions, 608-723-4384.
Special Services
Christmas Eve services include candle lighting and family worship. Soup and Scripture informal services are offered during the lunch hour during the Lent and Advent seasons. A special recognition for military members and veterans is held the Sunday closest to Veterans’ Day.
Music / Choirs – Bev Mattingly
The Lancaster United Methodist Church Sanctuary Choir is open to anyone of high school age or older. Rehearsals are held prior to worship on the days the choir sings. The choir will often sing for special services such as Christmas Eve, Easter or other holidays. The Sanctuary Choir seeks to enhance the worship service through choral and instrumental music. Another added benefit is the fellowship developed among the members. All are welcome!