Pastor: Rev. Erika Jezael Martinez-Flores
Admin. Assistant: Helen Millin
Church office hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – noon
Phone: 608-723-4384
E-mail Church Office: office@lancasterumc.org
E-mail Pastor: pastor@lancasterumc.org
Pastor’s office hours: Monday – Thursday 9 am to noon
Music Coordinator/Choir Director: Bev Mattingly
Church Treasurer: Bob McKelvey
Financial Secretary: Helen Millin
Lay Speakers: Rev. Bob McKelvey and Stuart Harper
Parish Nurse: Mary Rasmussen
Website Manager: Margaret Yearous
The Lancaster United Methodist Church is part of the South West District of the Wisconsin United Methodist Church Conference. For more information about the Wisconsin Conference, click on this link to visit their website, www.wisconsinumc.org.