Sunday, September 17, 2023, was a day of celebration at the Lancaster United Methodist Church as members, friends, pastors and guests recognized the 175th Anniversary of the church! The worship service was led by Rev. David Kim, WI Conference Bishop Hee-Soo Jung, District Superintendent Amanda Stein, and pastors Bob McKelvey, Barbara Cook and Mark Weaver. Special music by the choir and guest musicians was wonderful!
“Remembering the Past and Embracing the Future,” a program of presentations by members followed the worship service. Pictures and exhibits were on display in the fellowship hall for visitors to enjoy. A slideshow featuring historic photos, mission projects, fund-raising dinners, building projects, ministry in the community, and the people of the church was presented during the dinner.
People had a great time looking at the photos and sharing stories. The organizing committee put in many hours of preparation for the event and those attending appreciated sharing in this important milestone.

Also attending but not included in photo were Rev. Jean Schmidt and Intern Pastor Dan Reschke.